Pregnancy Yoga / Pilates in Ashbourne Yoga with Catherine Carr

After 14 weeks
Join into a class anytime after 14 weeks
light cardio
Antenatal Information
Reduces stress
Improved Sleep & Energy Levels
strength stamina
Improved strength, stamina & fitness


Pregnancy Yoga / Pilates / Fitness   

January 2025

Wednesday 22nd January 6.45pm

 Fee : 5 weeks €75  or 10 weeks €150

Wednesday :  6.45pm - 7.50pm. 

Suitable  from 14 weeks pregnant to full term. Join into a class any week that suits you. Please fill an enrolment form at start of your first class. 

If you are interested in attending a class please fill in the the contact form and return to me. Once I have confirmed your space a deposit  of €50 will be requited to hold your space. , 

Fee can be paid by bankcard, / Revolut / PayPal on this website.


Join into a class any week after 14 weeks of pregnancy.

The  Pregnancy Yoga / Pilates class  is  held in a very private and clean   conference room in The Pillo  Hotel Ashbourne. 

 The class consists of light cardio low impact exercise, Yoga and Pilates to create the perfect exercise class for all stages of  pregnancy.

I have been teaching pregnancy yoga for over 16 years in Ashbourne. As well as training as a Pregnancy Yoga Teacher I have completed training in Pelvic Floor Health and also as a Hypnobirthing & GentleBirth Instructor. Please see details of my qualifications on this website under more information 

Class suitable from 14 weeks to full term.  No yoga / exercise experience is required .

Please book your space on line on this website  .  

Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga / Pilates

  • Practicing Yoga improves strength, stamina, flexibility, breathing and improves posture.   It also relieves tension and reduces stress.
  • Yoga helps to regulate blood pressure, and improve sleep.   Strengthens stomach & back  muscles.   Regular practice of yoga, stretches ligaments in the pelvic &  hips which helps to reduce back pain and aids in a shorter, easier labour and birth.
  • The breathing and relaxation section in the class helps to reduce stress , fear and worry.   Balances the hormones and aids a good nights sleep.
  • Enjoy the company of other expectant mums and time out for yourself to enjoy your pregnancy.
  • Yoga mats, Pilates balls,  bands and water are available at the class.   (For hygiene reasons it is best to have your own yoga mat)
  • My experience as a pregnancy yoga teacher , a doula and a Gentlebirth instructor is a real benefit to expectant mums in preparing them for the wonderful joy of motherhood.   All antenatal information is covered during the Pregnancy yoga classes as well as yoga exercises and breathing / relaxation techniques.

Also Available : 

Pregnancy Reflexology Fee €60

Couples Labour & Birth Preparation class . Half day antenatal workshop for couples


Spinning Babies Techniques

Acupressure Techniques for pain management

Pregnancy Reflexology

Pelvic Floor Health

Breastfeeding Support



Pregnancy Yoga and Baby Yoga Video

Suitable from 14 weeks to full term